Balance Cord adala h lensa progresif yang pas buat anda yang membutuhkan pandangan Balance One-DRIVE sempurna di segala arah, pilihan yang tepat bagi pemakai super aktif di segala ruangan (indoor/outdoor) bahkan dalam waktu yang hampir bersama an, inilah ma ha karya progresif ! The King of Progressive

Feature Lenses

Balance Cord - Stock Lens

Lens Name Ø Diameter SPH CYL/ADD
Balance Cord SHMC Satin Green Coat 70
-2.00 s/d +2.00
1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord Sensible Grey 6 SHMC Satin Green Coat 70
-2.00 s/d +2.00
1.00 s/d 3.00

Balance Cord - Proses RX

Lens Name Ø Diameter SPH CYL/ADD
Balance Cord SHMC Satin Green Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord SHMC Satin Blue Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord Superblock UV420+Cut SHMC Satin Green Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord Premium UV420+Cut SHMC Blugard Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord Sensible Grey 6 SHMC Satin Green Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord Sensible Grey 6 SHMC Satin Blue Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord Sensible Brown 6 SHMC Satin Green Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord Sensible Brown 6 SHMC Satin Blue Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00
Balance Cord BluCromic UV420+Cut SHMC Blugard Coat 70 +6.50 s/d -9.50 1.00 s/d 3.00